Friends don't let friends and family drink unfiltered tap water! Please Buy American Please and Support Your Veterans, especially our USMC brothers and sisters! Berkey is no longer but a better filter is now available. Boroux is proudly made in Colorado, and has even better ratings than Berkey Water Filter system. Always have Access to highly filtered Great Tasting Drinking Water. #berkey #boroux #health #water #veteran You can help prevent DiedSuddenly (blood clots in your lungs and brain) in yourself, your friends and your family by doing a vaccine detox. !Life Saving Information for our unaware Vaxxed loved ones and those around them that are shedders and spreaders of this bioweapon that is causing AIDS (VAIDS) and death. People getting vaxxed/boosted (not on this site hopefully, but some of our friends and relatives are, so this is to help them) are shedding and spreading this bioweapon (yes, it's patented) not the unvaxxed. Please share this so we can all be free from "forced vaccines" aka Euthanasia. #vaccines #DiedSuddenly #bloodclots #covid-19 #VAIDS Discover The Forgotten Power of Plants with Nicole Apelian. "The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies" is having 800+ beneficial plants and remedies of our forefathers' most powerful natural cures that have lost in history. Natural Painkillers that work better than prescription medicines. Natural antibiotics and antivirals. This book will recipes for tinctures, teas, decoctions, essential oils, syrups, salves, poultices, infusions, and many other natural remedies that our grandparents used for centuries. #herbs #remedies #prepper #survival #health How to stop what is stealing your energy and health. Are you feeling tired a lot now? It may be due to Chronic Fatigue. What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and how can you reverse what is causing it along with (ME and fibromyalgia?) What most medical doctors miss and why their patients never heal from it. #cfs #chronicfatigue #ME #fibromyalgia #health The Best Natural Remedies for Hair Regrowth can help you fill in those thinning or balding spots naturally. They can deepen your natural hair color too. Unblock your hair follicles using hormone balancing herbs, essential oils and even proven natural near infrared wavelength light therapies for rapid natural hair regrowth. #hairgrowth #apolecia #hair #hairloss #health Friends don't let friends and family drink unfiltered tap water! Please Buy American Please and Support Your Veterans, especially our USMC brothers and sisters! Berkey is no longer but a better filter is now available. Boroux is proudly made in Colorado, and has even better ratings than Berkey Water Filter system. Always have Access to highly filtered Great Tasting Drinking Water. #berkey #boroux #health #water #veteran Eat what you want for the holidays this year and keep your glucose blood sugar levels in healthy balance. How to Lower Blood Sugar quickly and Prevent Type 2 Diabetes Symptoms Naturally. (Click above link to see the whole article.) You can lower your blood sugar and A1C naturally using natural bitter herbs and extracts help restore HbA1c natural blood sugar levels quickly. It's about keeping your glucose in a natural balance so you prevent serious complications from hyperglycemia, pre-diabetes and diabetes. You can prevent blindness, diabetic coma and amputation if you keep your blood sugar stabilized #diabetes #bloodsugar #hyperglycemia #HbA1c #diabetic Want to start feeling better by getting a good night's peaceful and restorative sleep? Here are the #1 Natural Remedies and Treatments for Insomnia help you stop sleep apnea and snoring, as well as an overactive mind. The most common things that keep you awake, and waking throughout the night. Sleep better starting tonight! #insomnia #sleeplessness #naturalremedies #sleepapnea #snoring What is Brown Fat vs White Fat? One causes you to keep weight on and the other causes you to lose weight quickly. Losing body fat is not about counting calories, but about elevating your natural fat burning hormones and stopping white fat storage that prevents permanent fat loss. Get this right and it is a whole lot easier to lose excess body fat naturally and keep it off for good. Discover the natural holistic way to active your brown fat levels and lose weight safely and quickly. Great for anyone who needs to lose a lot of weight safely, without stretch marks afterward or excess loose skin. #weightloss #fatloss #holistic #brownfat #hormones Magnesium Glycinate (the most common form of magnesium) helps against insomnia, stress and relaxation. There are a lot more benefits to the other forms of magnesium. You get all the benefits of magnesium when you get a full spectrum magnesium. 90% of people are magnesium deficient (full spectrum magnesium, specifically) that leads to insomnia, anxiety, overthinking, body overheating. Full spectrum magnesium works to correct the imbalance between calcium and magnesium in your brain and body. Full spectrum magnesium fixes it. #magnesium #insomnia #sleep #rls #anxiety Turmeric (curcumin) is the best natural herb to take for arthritis pain relief and to stop chronic inflammation, be sure to take it with bioperine (fine black pepper) so it is absorbed fully! It works well with ginger as they are both natural antiinflammatories that relieve pain. #turmeric #curcumin #antiinflammatory #arthritis #health USMC Veteran, Medic, Holistic Health Alternative Medicine Natural Healing Fitness, Medic, Free Thinker, Truth Seeker, Christian Conservative, Question All, FE, Sovereign, Constitution, Metaphysics, Spirituality.