Show more Be Prepared never Scared! It's not a question of If but When, so be prepared when the SHTF so you and your family will not only survive but thrive in any situation. What you really need is a tactical survival plan, personal protection (2 legged and 4 legged) clean drinking water, knowing what food to eat or use as medicine, basic shelter and first aid. Don't wait till there is mass panic, be ready before and you will be so glad you did. New Covid-19 and Variant Vaccines are lab engineered with spike proteins and have LIVE Malaria PARASITES (worms) in them? It is why people are using Ivermectin, Hydrochloroquine, Fenbendazole, High Dose Zinc, Colloidal Silver and Wormwood (all rid the body of malaria parasites!) It also causes lung issues and chronic stomach issues. Parasites also cause cancer! They steal your health and rob the nutrition in your foods and excrete waste into your body. Coronaviruses (flu viruses) are now engineered into Covid-19 variants that are made to attack your lungs and immune system so you have to go to a hospital and get lethal drugs like Remdesivir which usually leads to being on a respirator. That usually ends up as being fatal! It is critical that you protect your lungs and respiratory system. There is a natural way to get permanent relief using a parasite zapper and specific parasite killing herbs and minerals -19 Coronaviruses like Covid-19 and variants (lab created viruses) are medically treated with vaccines that are made to attack your respiratory tract and cause heart attacks. Avoid these harmful toxins and strengthen the only thing that does work, your own immune system. These natural remedies stop the cause of your cold or flu symptoms by triggering your body’s immune boosting cells (white blood cells and immunoglobulins.) They work where vaccines and antibiotics don’t! It works better than anything else! Can you grow new healthy tooth enamel and stop painful cavities naturally? Your teeth are living and growing vital organs in your body. Just like your bones they can be re-mineralized with the right holistic approach. Your teeth are not dead, or else they would not feel pain! Use these proven methods to restore tooth enamel, stop acids from eating away your tooth enamel and causing receding gum line and gingivitis. Improves your smile and oral health! Natural Pain Killers work better than pharmaceuticals and are safe and effective. Start feeling better without negative side effects. Natural anti inflammatories that help your mind and body feel at their best so you can be and do all you want to do in your life without pain or limitation. The Best Natural Remedies for Hair Regrowth can help you fill in those thinning or balding spots naturally. They can deepen your natural hair color too. Unblock your hair follicles using hormone balancing herbs, essential oils and even natural wavelength lasers for rapid natural hair regrowth. Pure Effect Water Filters are the #1 Filter for Removing Fluoride, Radiation, Heavy Metals, Lead, Mercury, Flushed Pharmaceuticals, Pesticides, Viruses, and Microbes. Countertop, Under Skin, Shower, and Whole House Water Filters Produce Healthy Alkaline Water. If you live on this heavily vaxxed planet you need protection against the vax shedders and spreaders not coronaviruses (common flu viruses.) Zeolite is a natural crystal mineral that is highly alkaline and has the unique ability to trap toxins including pathogens in it's honeycomb structure and eliminate it through normal eliminations as it can't be absorbed. It protects You and Your Family from from airborne microbes like bacteria and pathogens like the covid-19 naturally. It also is the number one detox from vaccines (like the covid vaccines with heavy metals and parasites), radiation and heavy metals and is a natural anti-cancer remedy (even helps against the treatment side effects of radiation and chemotherapy.) A properly boosted immune system can stop any and all viruses, period! Do not fear it, prepare your immune system to detect and defeat it naturally. ο»Ώο»Ώ ο»Ώο»Ώ ο»Ώο»Ώ-19 ο»Ώο»Ώ ο»Ώ Acids and Abrasive brushing erodes tooth enamel, gumline and causes tooth decay and sharp pain. Alkaline Bonding Mineral Complex Stops tooth decay and restores lost tooth enamel naturally. How to Save Your Teeth and Smile! Natural way to prevent and stop cavities, tooth decay. It Rebuilds natural tooth enamel, stops cavities and abscess, restores receding gum line from erosion. Helps avoid painful and costly dental visits! Your thyroid gland protects you from radiation uptake and sets your metabolism (how fast you burn fat or keep it on.) Naturally prevent thyroid cancer and naturally boost and balance Your Thyroid Gland for Natural Weight Loss, Metabolism, Radiation Protection, Immune System protection from viruses and bacteria infection, Improved Energy. Get a Powerful Filter or You and your family will be that Filter! If you don't care to drink recycled wastewater that can still be full of parasites, amoeba, fluoride, chemicals, vaccine ingredients, flushed medicines and other heavy metals in your family's drinking water, then you absolutely need to filter your own water. Never rely on a water district (allows lead, fluoride, heavy metals, flushed medicines, pesticides, viruses, pathogenic bacteria and who know if they plan on putting vaccine ingredients in your water too.) You can buy a filter or be a filter, the choice is yours! How to find, identify and eat edible weeds and plants in nature can save your life. Be ready and totally prepared BEFORE it hits the fan! When food shortages come you better know how to find food in the wild (what is safe and what you can eat to live on) when it hits the fan. Toilet paper is nothing compared to food runs and empty food shelves. If truckers and ships are not allowed to deliver food, it will 100% affect your family's food supply. Have a plan for whatever happens. The prepper survival guide and wilderness farming manual for emergency food growing and harvesting for survival, at any place or time of year. You don't have to suffer with arthritis pain! It can be reversed with natural anti-inflammatory foods and nutrients. Untreated causes are viral and immune related, too much calcium, magnesium deficiency and bone spurs that damage cartilage.

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