Show more It’s not you, it’s your hormones! Diet and Exercise is important, but lean muscle mass and natural weight loss that lasts is really all about your hormones. And that's where homeopathy excels! Best Natural Treatment for Alzheimer's, Dementia and Memory Loss. No need to fear memory loss, there is something you can do to help yourself as well as your friends and family that are facing cognitive decline. Boosting natural neurotransmitters, particularly R Lipoic-Acid, phosphytadylserine, Huperzine-A and eating the right types of foods can restore healthy memory and clear focus and prevent brain and nerve degeneration. 's EMF's like 5G can wipe out your immune system (so you catch every virus going around), destroys DNA and cooks your brain! 5G frequencies enter your skull and can be programmed between the waves to add hypnotic programming (words you actually hear in your head!) 5G EMF also allows dormant viruses to awaken due to your immune system dying off. Graphene oxide in vaccines reacts with 5G EMF radiation frequencies to alter your DNA! How to protect your home and family's health from these harmful frequencies. The natural anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-cancer, anti-parasitic remedy you can make at home for pennies! What is Colloidal Silver and why should You always have it handy. Your Immune System is your lifeline against all the pathogens you encounter in your life. Natural antiviral herbs, minerals and supplements are your best protection against bacterial, fungal and viral infections not HIV bioweapons that has been unleashed against us. They are made to attack your lungs and immune system so you have to go to a hospital and get lethal drugs like Remdesivir which usually leads to being on a respirator. That usually ends up as being fatal! It is critical that you protect your lungs and respiratory system. Don't fear it but do Protect yourself. Get a Powerful Filter or You and your family will be that Filter! If you don't care to drink recycled wastewater that can still be full of parasites, amoeba, fluoride, chemicals, vaccine ingredients, flushed medicines and other heavy metals in your family's drinking water, then you absolutely need to filter your own water. Never rely on a water district (allows lead, fluoride, heavy metals, flushed medicines, pesticides, viruses, pathogenic bacteria and who know if they plan on putting vaccine ingredients in your water too.) Get the best fluoride filter like a pure effect filter home purification system or a fluoride water filter pitcher that gets fluoride, heavy metals, pathogens and radiation out. Buy a filter or be a filter, the choice is yours! !Life Saving Information for our unaware Vaxxed loved ones and those around them that are shedders and spreaders of this bioweapon. Please share far and wide as we can help save many children's, seniors and people's lives! People getting vaxxed/boosted (not on this site hopefully, but some of our friends and relatives are, so this is to help them) are shedding and spreading this bioweapon (yes, it's patented) not the unvaxxed. You should always have protection against being around those that are actively shedding. The Covid-19 vaccines are manufactured with malaria parasites and spike proteins just to name a few of the reasons people are getting seriously ill with respiratory failure. They are shown to be gene altering (Changes Your DNA!) and also causing HIV and AIDS in many people. This needs to be stopped asap. You and your loved ones need to detox this crap out of their bodies, it will be life or#vaccines -19

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