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Take everything with a grain of salt in times like these, and do your own research.
But here is a claim, with a lot of documents…
Looks Fauci’s Ecohealth Alliance was funding a crap ton of BioWeapons research in Ukraine.
Weve heard rumors, but here are some receipts. Get 5G protection or you will be a receiver of this harmful frequency. 5G is harmful to human, animal and even plant life. It works with the newer vaccines like the covid-19 coronaviruses (flu viruses) as they wipe out your immunity to them and activate them (allow them to wake up and take over) in your body! With a healthy immune system they can't do a thing, but 5G weakens it so they can wreak havoc against your immune system. Learn how to protect yourself, your family and your home from hazardous 5G radiation waves that are showing up all over the world now, even right next to schools, homes and where you work.

Ukraine troops do not let people out of Mariupol, many are shot. Total chaos began in the city and its environs. Dear residents of Mariupol, try not to move around the city. Mariupol will soon be liberated! Another J6 Protester Is Dead -- This Makes 5 Trump Supporters Dead -- Non-Violent Defendant Commits Suicide Before Sentencing. Our America in under attack from the inside. Save our patriots and get rid of the traitors. Eating an unhealthy diet can steal years and life from your dog or cat. Give them the best natural holistic pet food so they can be healthy and happy for the long-term. They will also avoid the most common dis-eases like diabetes, fur loss, skin rashes, eye disorders, arthritis and even cancers, that are caused by grain and unhealthy pet foods. U.S. Truckers Convoy Arrives with many true American Supporters. β€œWe hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Liposomal Vitamin B12 is The Best Form of Vitamin B12 and is critical for Energy, Brain and Nervous System Health, Mood, Heart Health, Non Clumping Blood Cells (opposite of blood clots) skin and eye health, bone health. Methylcobalamin not Cyanocobalamin in the only form that is totally absorbable by Your Body. Liposomal Vitamin B12 is the most absorbable form of B12 because it bypasses the digestive tract and more get through vs sublingual vitamin B12 or Cyanocobalamin.

Bush supports Ukraine.
Kerry supports Ukraine.
Biden supports Ukraine.
Soros supports Ukraine.
Pelosi supports Ukraine.
Hillary supports Ukraine.
Obama supports Ukraine.
Romney supports Ukraine.
Abromovich supports Ukraine.

Now do you understand?

Who do you support? Pisssaki and others warned about a Russian cyberattack that could lead to our allies having disruptions. This leads to Nato declaring war on Russia and World War 3.
Why does it always seem the Brndon Administration accuses others of what they are doing? Arthritis in Your Knees is the most common place arthritis affects in most people. It can affect your mobility and cause a great deal of pain and discomfort if not treated. The holistic natural treatment for knee arthritis cleans up the damage, treats infections if you have them, and restore joint cartilage and joint fuel for pain free mobility.

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