Show more Always Support those that Support You! Support Veterans and Buy American First! The number one most important thing to your survival is clean air and uncontaminated drinking water. People taking vaxxes are shedding through urination into the waste system, and tap water recycling doesn't get rid of all the toxins in it from Covid-19 vaccines. Make Sure you have access to fluoride, lead, mercury, microbe and viral contaminant free drinking water in any emergency. Berkey U.S. water purifiers are the number one portable water purification system in the world! Always be safe from any emergency, water or power shut-off or outbreak. -19 5G EMF is everywhere now and is even expanding to homes, offices and even elementary schools near you. Frequencies damage and frequencies heal. EMF protection Jewelry can keep your DNA, Immune System, heart and brainwaves (as seen in EKG and EEG) free from damaging EMF Waves. If you have chronic headaches, irregular heartbeats, sinusitis, you may be absorbing these harmful radiation waves. It has been shown to activate the harmful stuff in the new covid-10 vaccines (parasites, graphene oxide, heavy metals) and make you act as a 5G router! Don't absorb but deflect these harmful frequencies. -19 Have Healthy Blood Sugar and Natural Energy by using the Best Healthy Keto Cereals as part your healthy keto breakfast or keto diet. Using healthy keto diet foods can help you drop excess body fat, particularly belly fat quickly. You'll lose multiple clothing sizes if you follow this easy to use meal plan. You'll improve your health by leaps and bounds, and look and feel better than you have in a very long time! Your lungs are your most critical organ as you can only live for a few minutes without being able to inhale and exhale oxygen and air. Coronaviruses (flu viruses) are now engineered into Covid-19 variants that are made to attack your lungs and immune system so you have to go to a hospital and get lethal drugs like Remdesivir which usually leads to being on a respirator. That usually ends up as being fatal! It is critical that you protect your lungs and respiratory system. Using safe and effectiveΒ Herbs for Lungs CleansingΒ and Strengthening that you use to build a strong respiratory system and help restore lung function if you are dealing with any respiratory infection or condition. -19 If you want to breathe clearer and protect your lungs there are alternatives to tobacco based cigarette smoking and the risks of serious breathing and lung conditions. You can break free from the urges to smoke using brainwave frequencies, and natural Homeopathic Medicine for Smoking Relief. If you've taken a Covid-19 Test (sars CoV-2 coronavirus test, you need to get that crap out of your body asap.) It has been shown by poison control center to have the stuff you are trying to prevent. Zeolite is the #1 Natural Antiviral Detox Mineral. Also top radiation detox (including 5G after it goes into your body as a particle) heavy metal detox and natural cancer remedy. Pure Natural Zeolite Powder protects you against the harmful viruses, microbes, heavy metals in your environment food (and vaccines) like mercury/lead, radiation including EMF's and even helps prevent and heal from cancer (and the treatment of cancer.) See how it can help you and your loved ones stay healthy and disease free today -19 One of the most important natural health and natural healing supplements you will ever try. Systemic enzymes are effective in relieving and preventing chronic inflammation in all tissues! It is highly beneficial for keeping your arteries, blood vessels, organs and joint tissues obstruction free with complete tissue elasticity and movement. It is helpful against covid-19 related heart inflammation. They also significantly help your digestive system, colon, break up scar tissue inside your body. The first step to healing from chronic inflammation anywhere in your body, particularly arthritis joint pain is to clean up the damage (bone spurs, fibrin and scar tissue) that is causing your pain and joint stiffness. Systemic Enzymes do this and help your body dissolve impacted matter in your veins and digestive system! -19 When you look good you feel good, and your attitude matches. You also draw better experiences to yourself, so how you look and feel really does matter! Nothing wrong with grey hair (gray hair) at all, I personally prefer to only have a little on the sides but full color hair on the rest of my head and facial hair (when I wear it.) I've tried everything and really only two things worked well for me, essential oils rubbed into the hair shaft and a catalase prohibitor herb called Fo-Ti (or a blend with horsetail, catalase and biotin. Black seed oil is also helpful if you take it regularly. I also use organic essential oils topically instead of any gel or spray and it works great in getting rid of 80-90% of the gray hair naturally. !Potential Life Saving Information for our Vaxxed loved ones, please share far and wide as we can help save many children's, seniors and people's lives! People getting vaxxed/boosted (not on this site, but some of our friends and relatives are, so this is to help them) are shedding and spreading this bioweapon (yes, it's patented) not the unvaxxed. You should always have protection against being around those that are actively shedding. The Covid-19 vaccines are manufactured with malaria parasites and spike proteins just to name a few of the reasons people are getting seriously ill with respiratory failure. Ivermectin and HCQ " Best Heavy Metal (Graphene Oxide, Thimerosal, Mercury and viral detox.) Zeolite Pure is the #1 Natural Zeolite Powder (an alkaline crystal mineral) made in the U.S. from volcanic ash and sea minerals into a natural heavy metal, radiation, microbial (and antiviral) and anti-cancer (including the medical treatment of cancer with radiation, chemo and surgery) natural medicine. Safe and effective against vaccine toxins, chemtrails and EMF exposure too, it should be your daily vitamin kit and emergency first aid kit! Coronaviruses (flu viruses) are now engineered into Covid-19 variants that are made to attack your lungs and immune system so you have to go to a hospital and get lethal drugs like Remdesivir which usually leads to being on a respirator. That usually ends up as being fatal! It is critical that you protect your lungs and respiratory system. Don't fear it but do Protect yourself. You can stop tinnitus or ringing in your ears (vertigo too) by restoring natural balance and prevent permanent hearing loss. Brain scans have revealed what is causing ringing in your ears and how to heal it so you can hear clearly or just silence if you need to. Your thyroid gland protects you from radiation uptake and sets your metabolism (how fast you burn fat or keep it on.) Naturally prevent thyroid cancer and naturally boost and balance Your Thyroid Gland for Natural Weight Loss, Metabolism, Radiation Protection, Immune System protection from viruses and bacteria infection, Improved Energy. 5G EMF radiation from cell phones and 5G towers is a deep penetrating type of harmful radiation that literally cooks your cells (brain, DNA, immune system, nervous system.) EMF protection pendants and necklaces can keep your DNA, Immune System, heart and brainwaves (as seen in EKG and EEG) free from very harmful 5G EMF Waves. The newer vaccines work WITH 5G EMF radiation to wipe out your immune system! If you have chronic headaches, irregular heartbeats, sinusitis, you may be absorbing these harmful radiation waves. Your brain and body are 70-80% water, make it water that hydrates and heals and disease proofs your body! Dr. Otto Warburg showed that cancer can't live in a highly alkaline body! Earthing or Grounding protects you from EMF radiation and harmful frequencies by giving your body free electrons (antioxidant) with contact with earth's healing magnetic energy. It also improves mood, enhanced bone density and is a natural antioxidant and stress reliever. #1 Way to Stop Your Back Pain at Home. If you've ever experienced back pain you know how limiting it can be. The pain can be intense, as you can't move any way without extreme pain. You have very little range of motion as well. If the cause of your spinal pain (muscle or nerve damage, pinched nerves,Β spinal arthritisΒ or injury) is left untreated it can created you can be left with fused spinal vertebrae (discs) or permanent damage.Β Spinal Decompression TherapyΒ is a safe and effective way to help stop the cause of your back pain. Stop your Cat or Dog from having peeing accidents on your carpet, floor or bed. Natural medicine for Urinary incontinence in dogs is the involuntary or accidental passing of urine. Dog incontinence is not rare but is a fairly common problem in dogs of all ages. Urinary incontinence in Cats is just as common. Although incontinence in dogs can happen to your β€œbest friend” at any age, it is most common in middle- to senior-aged dogs. Hydrochloric Acid (also known as natural stomach acid or HCL) is what you need when you have acid indigestion, acid reflux, GERD, frequent stomach upset, nausea or stomach infections. You get heartburn when you don't have enough HCL and it keeps your esophagus open because it is pH controlled. Taking antacids make it worse. HCL protects you against food poisoning and allows you to absorb the nutrition from your foods. Stop your insulin resistance, pre-diabetes, diabetes, blood tests and diabetic complications like blindness, amputation and heart failure. Get into a healthy state of ketosis and you will look and feel your absolute best and stop harmful blood sugar medicines. The easy to get jump-start your Healthy Keto Diet (reverse insulin resistance and blood pressure now and get rapid fat loss plus improved health) this new year! Don't drink Chemical/Covid Tap Water! Remdesivir and other toxins from flushed medicines and covid vaxxes and PCR Tests are showing up in your tap water. Use at least a Travel Berkey to get the poison out of you and your family's drinking water. Berkey gives you access to microbe and viral contaminant free drinking water in any emergency. Be Prepared and always have safe. clean, pure drinking water! Β 

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