The Holistic Treatment of Cancer is a safe and effective alternative medicine treatment that uses non-toxic items instead of Chemotherapy, Radiation or Surgery. It can even help you recover from the side effects of medical cancer treatments like chemo and radiation sickness, nausea, hair loss, immuno- suppression. Get better without getting sicker. Works with your body instead of against it. Best natural remedies and therapies for cancer relief. #cancer #alternativemedicine #tumors #holistic #health Be Prepared never Scared! It's not a question of If but When, so be prepared when the SHTF so you and your family will not only survive but thrive in any situation. What you really need is a tactical survival plan, personal protection (2 legged and 4 legged) clean drinking water, knowing what food to eat or use as medicine, basic shelter and first aid. Don't wait till there is mass panic, be ready before and you will be so glad you did. #prepper #prepping #bugout #survivalΒ #emergencies Natural Alternatives to Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. You won't get a prescription from a medical doctor because these medicines actually work unlike vaccines. Learn how to protect yourself from covid-19, coronaviruses, variants, flu infections, parasites, worms and anything else they patent to unleash on your or try to force on you. #hcq #hydroxychloroquine #ivermectin #covid-19 #monkeypox Be ready and totally prepared BEFORE it hits the fan! When food shortages come you better know how to find food in the wild (what is safe and what you can eat to live on) when it hits the fan. Toilet paper is nothing compared to food runs and empty food shelves. If truckers and ships are not allowed to deliver food, it will 100% affect your family's food supply. Have a plan for whatever happens. The prepper survival guide and wilderness farming manual for emergency food growing and harvesting for survival, at any place or time of year. #prepper #prepping #bugout #survivalΒ #food One of the most important natural health and natural healing supplements you will ever try. Systemic enzymes are effective in relieving and preventing chronic inflammation in all tissues! It is highly beneficial for keeping your arteries, blood vessels, organs and joint tissues obstruction free with complete tissue elasticity and movement. It is helpful against covid-19 related heart inflammation. They also significantly help your digestive system, colon, break up scar tissue inside your body. The first step to healing from chronic inflammation anywhere in your body, particularly arthritis joint pain is to clean up the damage (bone spurs, fibrin and scar tissue) that is causing your pain and joint stiffness. Systemic Enzymes do this and help your body dissolve impacted matter in your veins and digestive system! #arthritis #jointpain #enzymes #inflammation #covid-19 Not just Alkaline Water but Ionized Hydrogen Rich Water! It is high in Anti-Aging Antioxidants, Electrolytes, Best Hydrating and Regenerating high pH Alkaline Water in the World! The best health and natural healing device you can have in your home or office! High pH Alkaline and H2 Hydrogen rich purified water is so powerful it can help you achieve better fitness, performance, and healing from chronic alkaline diseases like cancer, arthritis, heart disease and inflammatory conditions better than any medicine! It is proven to build healthier blood cells (no clumping) and boost your natural immunity. #ionizer #waterionizer #alkaline #cancer #water Are Your Legs going Crazy on You? Restless Leg Syndrome or RLS is a painful condition that can make driving difficult and rob you of restful sleep at night, especially if you are pregnant. You can stop restless legs at night quickly by restoring the most common deficiencies that cause RLS symptoms. It can be prevented by restoring natural pH balance in your body and using specific herbs and minerals in the right balance to restore balance to your brain, nervous system, muscles and legs. #RLS #restlesslegs #restlesslegsyndrome #insomnia #legs You can lower your blood sugar and A1C naturally using natural bitter herbs and extracts help restore HbA1c natural blood sugar levels quickly. It's about keeping your glucose in a natural balance so you prevent serious complications from hyperglycemia, pre-diabetes and diabetes. You can prevent blindness, diabetic coma and amputation if you keep your blood sugar stabilized #diabetes #bloodsugar #hyperglycemia #HbA1c #diabetic Earthing or Grounding protects you from EMF radiation and harmful frequencies by giving your body free electrons (antioxidant) with contact with earth's healing magnetic energy. It also improves mood, enhanced bone density and is a natural antioxidant and stress reliever. #earthing #grounding #arthritis #emf #stress The best way to protect your immune system and cleanse your whole body and brain of accumulated toxins. If you've taken a Covid-19 Test (sars CoV-2 coronavirus test, you need to get that crap out of your body asap.) Don't fear the virus of the month (now monkey pox) but keep your immunity boosted with zeolties. Zeolite is the Number One Natural Antiviral Detox Mineral. Also top radiation detox (including 5G after it goes into your body as a particle) heavy metal detox and natural cancer remedy. Pure Natural Zeolite Powder protects you against the harmful viruses, microbes, heavy metals in your environment food (and vaccines) like mercury/lead, radiation including EMF's and even helps prevent and heal from cancer (and the treatment of cancer.) See how it can help you and your loved ones stay healthy and disease free today #zeolite #monkeypox #radiation #cancer #covid-19 Support Fellow Americans First and Veterans and Buy American! The number one most important thing to your survival is clean air and uncontaminated drinking water. People taking vaxxes are shedding through urination into the waste system, and tap water recycling doesn't get rid of all the toxins in it from Covid-19 vaccines. Make Sure you have access to fluoride, lead, mercury, microbe and viral contaminant free drinking water in any emergency. Berkey U.S. water purifiers are the number one portable water purification system in the world! Always be safe from any emergency, water or power shut-off or outbreak. #berkey #purification #water #filter pandemic 5G radiation awakens viruses which are normally dormant in your body. Stay away from those towers. Learn how to keep yourself and your family safe from all types of harmful nuclear radiation and EMF waves from cell phones and 5G: #5g #wireless #radiation #emf Your liver is your body's master cleansing organ. When you have skin eruptions, your liver is overworked. Vaccines and pharmaceuticals are also damaging your liver cells and affecting your immune system. Don't allow it to damage your liver and DNA by keeping these toxins moving out of your body naturally. Protect and Cleanse Your Liver Naturally. Your Liver keeps you Living by removing the harmful things before it hits your blood stream and circulates to your heart, brain and cells. A clogged liver can cause jaundice, cirrhosis, cancer, hepatitis, fatty liver, liver disease and failing eyesight. You can prevent and reverse Liver Disease, Cirrhosis, Liver Cancer and Liver damage by using liver detox herbs and EDTA chelation therapy in your own home. Help your liver keep you looking and feeling healthy. #liver #cirrhosis #detox #cleanse #vaccines Use 5G protection or your body and brain will be the 5G receiver! 5G is harmful to human, animal and even plant life. It works with the newer vaccines like the covid-19 coronaviruses (flu viruses) as they wipe out your immunity to them and activate them (allow them to wake up and take over) in your body! With a healthy immune system they can't do a thing, but 5G weakens it so they can wreak havoc against your immune system. Learn how to protect yourself, your family and your home from hazardous 5G radiation waves that are showing up all over the world now, even right next to schools, homes and where you work. #5g #emf #wifi #emfprotection #vaccines Discover The Forgotten Power of Plants with Nicole Apelian. "The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies" is having 800+ beneficial plants and remedies of our forefathers' most powerful natural cures that have lost in history. Natural Painkillers that work better than prescription medicines. Natural antibiotics and antivirals. This book will recipes for tinctures, teas, decoctions, essential oils, syrups, salves, poultices, infusions, and many other natural remedies that our grandparents used for centuries.
#prepper #survival #health Your immune system not vaccines or chemicals keep you alive and healthy. Vax ingredients deplete your immune system and can lead to autoimmune issues. Natural immune boosting herbs keep your immune system in proper balance so it protects you from harmful infection symptoms from any planned or unplanned pathogen like covid-19, monkeypox or even the common flu or cold. Building natural immunity is far better than taking toxic vaccines or antibiotics. It can save you from antibiotic resistant bugs and keep you and your family healthy, no matter what epidemic or plandemic is going around! Be awake not woke! #immunity #immunesystem #immune #monkeypox #covid -19 #1 Best Protection against whatever virus of the year is unleashed on you and your family. Micronized Zeolite Pure Powder safely traps and allows your body to naturally eliminate vax ingredients like heavy metals, radiation, microbials (viruses, bacteria, fungi and mycotoxins, as well as pesticide residues.) It is highly anti-cancer (including the medical treatment of cancer with radiation, chemo and surgery.) It is a safe and effective natural remedy for vaccine toxins, chemtrails and EMF exposure too. Covid-19 and variants are made to attack your lungs and immune system so you have to go to a hospital and get lethal drugs like Remdesivir which usually leads to being on a respirator. That usually ends up as being fatal! It is critical that you protect your lungs and respiratory system. Don't fear it but do Protect yourself. Stops the spread of any plandemic #zeolite #cancer #covid-19 #radiation #monkeypox Reverses Insulin Resistance, high blood pressure, unhealthy LDL cholesterol and Prevents Diabetes while losing unhealthy body fat naturally (that classic beer belly look in men and apple look in women.) What are the benefits of ketosis, and how to use the keto diet for health, healing, regeneration, anti-aging and rapid fat loss. I personally lost 80 pounds and 6 pants sizes and everyone says I look 20 years younger! I feel so energetic and am not hungry either. Had to buy new clothes (6 sizes smaller) but I love it! ο»Ώ#ketoο»Ώ ο»Ώ#ketosisο»Ώ #ketogenic #health #diet You naturally panic when you can't breathe properly, even though that makes your shortness of breath worse. There are many causes not being able to catch your breath (anxiety, asthma, allergies, COPD, infection.) Coronaviruses (flu viruses) are now engineered into Covid-19 variants that are made to attack your lungs and immune system so you have to go to a hospital and get lethal drugs like Remdesivir which usually leads to being on a respirator. That usually ends up as being fatal! It is critical that you protect your lungs and respiratory system and learn how to breathe during anxiety or with breathing problems. Using safe and effectiveΒ Herbs for Lungs CleansingΒ and Strengthening that you use to build a strong respiratory system and help restore lung function if you are dealing with any respiratory infection or condition. #lungs #respiratory #breathe #covid-19 #breathing is what I'm personally using now. Don't feed the trolls (G=govt) no google, duckduckgo, startpage, etc. This is the best and doesn't feed big pharma as much and shows small businesses too. USMC Veteran, Medic, Holistic Health Alternative Medicine Natural Healing Fitness, Medic, Free Thinker, Truth Seeker, Christian Conservative, Question All, FE, Sovereign, Constitution, Metaphysics, Spirituality.