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May peace dwell with you,
may prosperity huddle near.
May family gather together
without heartache or tear.

There is the Christmas or Christ star shining
in the night sky ... just there.
It is for you to wish upon
to keep you safe from care.

May everything you need
be yours to have and proclaim
as you're due; just close your eyes
and ask it in His precious name.

Merry Christmas to you, friend.
Let your season be a blessed one
filled with love and cheer and more.
Smile, laugh, and enjoy the fun.

May the spirit of God bless you, your family and loved ones, and keep you healthy, happy and prosperous now and in the new year to come. There are natural herbs, minerals and natural vitamins that can stop cancer tumors safely and help restore your body's natural internal pH and balance. Like Dr. Otto Warburg and Robert O. Young have said you can't have an alkaline body and have cancer at the same time. Drink high pH alkaline water, drink green juices, low sugar and carb can be very helpful. The WIFI Killshot by J.E. Ante. 5G at 60Ghz resonates with the oxygen molecule and gives oxygen a reverse polarity that makes it much less usable to the human body. At high concentrations of 5G usage you get suffocation of humans at street level. And at lower doses you get flu like symptoms which are the exact same symptoms as the flu with this lowered oxygen uptake by the body. But the way 5G kills is much more interesting. Our bodies have trillions of parasitic organisms inside which feed on us and some say help us live by doing many useful functions. But when these bacteria, fungi, and parasites are subjected to any WIFI microwave radiations they are harmed and begin reproducing toxins in self defense. These organisms begin reproducing rapidly to ensure their survival. And so we get flu like symptoms from these internal parasite organisms under attack from WIFI microwave radiations reproducing rapidly and excreting toxins. -19 Best U.S. Made Portable Water Filter - Be Prepared and Have Clean Drinking Water. Support Fellow Americans First and Veterans and Buy American! The number one most important thing to your survival is clean air and uncontaminated drinking water. People taking vaxxes are shedding through urination into the waste system, and tap water recycling doesn't get rid of all the toxins in it from Covid-19 vaccines. Make Sure you have access to fluoride, lead, mercury, microbe and viral contaminant free drinking water in any emergency. Berkey U.S. water purifiers are the number one portable water purification system in the world! Always be safe from any emergency, water or power shut-off or outbreak. The Gift of Healing and Optimum Health and Performance. Hydrogen rich alkaline ionized water is the Healthiest Water in the World - Tyent USA. American Made and Veteran Owned Business, support those that support you in a healthy way! Not just Alkaline Water but Ionized Hydrogen Rich Water! It is high in Anti-Aging Antioxidants, Electrolytes, Best Hydrating and Regenerating high pH Alkaline Water in the World! The best health and natural healing device you can have in your home or office! High pH Alkaline and H2 Hydrogen rich purified water is so powerful it can help you achieve better fitness, performance, and healing from chronic alkaline diseases like cancer, arthritis, heart disease and inflammatory conditions better than any medicine! It is proven to build healthier blood cells (no clumping) and boost your natural immunity. If you're around the PCR tested or vaxxed (or have felt "forced to get one" this is exactly what you need.) Zeolite is a natural crystal mineral that is highly alkaline and has the unique ability to trap toxins including pathogens in it's honeycomb structure and eliminate it through normal eliminations as it can't be absorbed. It protects You and Your Family from from airborne microbes like bacteria and pathogens like the covid-19 naturally. It also is the number one detox from vaccines (like the covid vaccines with heavy metals and parasites), radiation and heavy metals and is a natural anti-cancer remedy (even helps against the treatment side effects of radiation and chemotherapy.) A properly boosted immune system can stop any and all viruses, period! Do not fear it, prepare your immune system to detect and defeat it naturally. -19 Stop taking dangerous pharma (particularly covid-19 related vaccines as they are causing autoimmune issues like rheumatoid arthritis.) They never heal or cure your arthritis only cause more joint destruction and a compromised immune system. Natural Arthritis Remedies stop your arthritis and joint pain without harmful side effects. It can also help you reverse your arthritis by healing the joint tissue damage and creating a smooth arthritis free joint. Restores range of motion without pain. Not just a Band-Aid but true healing from mother nature! -19 Look Great and Eat what you want for the holidays! Acids and hard brushing erode your tooth enamel & gumline. It causes tooth decay and pain. Alkaline Bonding Minerals Stop tooth decay and restores lost tooth enamel naturally. These natural remedies stop the cause of your cold or flu symptoms by triggering your body’s immune boosting cells (white blood cells and immunoglobulins.) It works better than anything else! 5G EMF radiation from cell phones and 5G towers is a deep penetrating type of harmful radiation that literally cooks your cells (brain, DNA, immune system, nervous system.) EMF protection pendants and necklaces can keep your DNA, Immune System, heart and brainwaves (as seen in EKG and EEG) free from very harmful 5G EMF Waves. The newer vaccines work WITH 5G EMF radiation to wipe out your immune system! If you have chronic headaches, irregular heartbeats, sinusitis, you may be absorbing these harmful radiation waves. #1 herbal immunity booster and anti-cancer is actually medicinal mushrooms. How powerful are medicinal mushrooms and organic mushroom extracts (even mushroom coffee and mushroom gummies)? Dr. Paul Stamets cured his wife of cancer using them. It is more powerful than any prescription antiviral medicine or chemotherapy against cancers. The best mushroom supplement is an organic mushroom blend that protects you from radiation, infection, detoxes your body from vaccine contaminants, boosts your immune system, and shrinks any tumors growing before the become cancerous. Get the highest quality organic mushroom extracts (extra potency) for natural anti-viral, antibiotic immune protection, clean energy, mental clarity and recovery. Don't use chemical pharmaceuticals that actually cause worse ADHD and ADD symptoms. Natural Treatment of ADHD in Adults and Children that is safe and effective without any harmful side effects. Treats causes of ADHD (Heavy Metal Toxicity, Chronic Yeast Infection, Methylation and Neurotransmitter Imbalance.) Zeolite is a potent antiviral, tumor and heavy metal detox crystal mineral (think Natural Vaccine Detox and Ivermectin Alternative) that is very helpful in foodborne illness (food poisoning from improperly cooked or stored food.) It helps your body detox from harmful pathogens and radiation. If you live near a 5G cellphone tower, then you need to protect yourself from EMF radiation uptake and DNA damage that leads to cancerous tumors, severe hair loss and a compromised immune system. Zeolite does that better than anything else. It even helps from medical radiation treatment (as well as chemotherapy and surgery infection) and sickness. If youΒ toss and turnΒ most nights with insomnia, have headaches, anxiety and overthinking, restless leg syndrome, brittle bones, poor circulation, brain fog and painful joints you are probably deficient in natural magnesium. Full spectrum magnesium works to correct the imbalance between calcium and magnesium in your brain and body. Most people have too much junk calcium that is causing these problems. Full spectrum magnesium will be greatly helpful! If you missed Perfect Keto’s big Black Friday sale … fear not, friend!

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No need to wrangle any coupon codes. Just click the above sale link and enjoy big savings on quality keto products. What is Zeolite Pure? It is a Vax Detox, Anti-Viral, Anti-Parasite and Anti-Cancer natural crystal mineral. It is the Best Heavy Metal Removal Mineral (Graphene Oxide, Thimerosal, Mercury and viral detox.) Zeolite (an alkaline crystal mineral) made in the U.S. from volcanic ash and sea minerals into a natural heavy metal, radiation, microbial (and antiviral) and anti-cancer (including the medical treatment of cancer with radiation, chemo and surgery) natural medicine. Safe and effective against vaccine toxins, chemtrails and EMF exposure too, it should be your daily vitamin kit and emergency first aid kit! Coronaviruses (flu viruses) are now engineered into Covid-19 variants that are made to attack your lungs and immune system so you have to go to a hospital and get lethal drugs like -viral

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