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CURES FOR CANCER. Thank you president Trump for the Right To Try Act.
Dr. Burzynski and antineoplastons.
Dr.Gerson, The Gonzalez Potocol\One Man, Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride, Gut Microbiome, Gut and Physiology Syndrome.Joe Tippen's Protocol, Dr. Joe Dispenza. Raymond Rife treatment, Hoxey treatment. Buildup of toxic heavy metals like thimerosal, mercury, lead, graphene oxide (a heavy metal concentrator that causes the injection site to react to magnets because of the high heavy metal concentration) from vaccines, chemtrails, radiation, medical treatments, cleaning chemicals in your body can cause "mystery" conditions like brain fog, lethargy, autoimmune disorder, nervous system problems and liver problems. You test at home to see if you have any buildup and safely cleanse them out of your body with zeolites, chelation therapy and specific cleansing nutrients. When you look good you feel good, and your attitude matches. You also draw better experiences to yourself, so how you look and feel really does matter! Nothing wrong with balding or grey hair (gray hair) at all, I personally prefer to only have a little on the sides but full color hair on the rest of my head and facial hair (when I wear it.) I've tried everything and really only two things worked well for me that keep my hair full and thick (and it's natural color), essential oils rubbed into the hair shaft and a catalase prohibitor herb called Fo-Ti (or a blend with horsetail, catalase and biotin. Black seed oil is also helpful if you take it regularly. I also use organic essential oils topically instead of any gel or spray and it works great in getting rid of 80-90% of the gray hair naturally. Homeopathy really works well for anxiety, panic attacks and feelings of depression because it works on the emotional and mental level primarily. Homeopathy is all about balance, and anxiety, panic, stress and depression are imbalances in neurotransmitters. Homeopathic medicines restore balance and stop your feelings of anxiety, panic or depression quickly and safely.

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