Bill Gates pushing for genetically engineered farm animals. #populationcontrol #eugenics #billgates #food You don't have to suffer with arthritis pain! It can be reversed with natural anti-inflammatory foods and nutrients. Untreated causes are viral and immune related, too much calcium, magnesium deficiency and bone spurs that damage cartilage. #arthritis #osteoarthritis #rheumatoidarthritis #jointpain 5G is a weapons system designed to KILL people, says weapons expert Mark Steele #5g #bioweapon #covid-19 #myocarditis #kills Use 5G protection or your body and brain will be the 5G receiver! 5G is harmful to human, animal and even plant life. It works with the newer vaccines like the covid-19 coronaviruses (flu viruses) as they wipe out your immunity to them and activate them (allow them to wake up and take over) in your body! With a healthy immune system they can't do a thing, but 5G weakens it so they can wreak havoc against your immune system. Learn how to protect yourself, your family and your home from hazardous 5G radiation waves that are showing up all over the world now, even right next to schools, homes and where you work. #5g #emf #wifi #emfprotection #vaccines CONTENTS OF CHEMTRAILS FROM A DOCTOR WHO WORKED FOR THE MILITARY #chemtrails USMC Veteran, Medic, Holistic Health Alternative Medicine Natural Healing Fitness, Medic, Free Thinker, Truth Seeker, Christian Conservative, Question All, FE, Sovereign, Constitution, Metaphysics, Spirituality.