Show more If you live on this heavily vaxxed planet you need protection against the vax shedders and spreaders not coronaviruses (common flu viruses.) Zeolite is a natural crystal mineral that is highly alkaline and has the unique ability to trap toxins including pathogens in it's honeycomb structure and eliminate it through normal eliminations as it can't be absorbed. It protects You and Your Family from from airborne microbes like bacteria and pathogens like the covid-19 naturally. It also is the number one detox from vaccines (like the covid vaccines with heavy metals and parasites), radiation and heavy metals and is a natural anti-cancer remedy (even helps against the treatment side effects of radiation and chemotherapy.) A properly boosted immune system can stop any and all viruses, period! Do not fear it, prepare your immune system to detect and defeat it naturally. -19 You can actually reverse osteoarthritis and restore full pain-free range of motion in your joints by restoring your natural mineral balance, dissolving bone spurs and by adding the right joint lubricating nutrients that stops arthritis wear and reduces joint pain and inflammation. Use systemic enzymes to stop bone spurs and heal scar tissue that causes joint stiffness and inflexibility. It will also smooth out joint surfaces. This is the approach that stops bone loss, heals spurs, resurfaces worn cartilage and replace depleted synovial fluid (joint fluid.) As the weather gets warmer, insects begin to get restless, keep them off your pets and out of your home! Fleas and Ticks are not only nuisances to you and your pets but can cause serious illness like Lyme Disease. Use the best holistic pet care for natural flea and tick repellent as well as the best natural treatment for flea and tick bites and infections to prevent larvae from growing under your dogs or cats skin and fur. Safe to spray on your pets, bedding, fur, skin as well as areas where they sit or lay. Helps prevent fleas and ticks from taking over your home. Natural Weight Loss (the best way to lose weight and keep it off) is based on your hormone levels more than counting calories. People with balanced hormones, usually during young adulthood, are able to eat everything in sight and not gain an ounce of weight. This was me as a young Marine! Hormones eventually get unbalanced because of the chemicals, antibiotics, pesticides (hormone mimickers,) GMO foods and environmental toxins. Your brown fat level becomes really low (like the thyroid for your healthy fat balance.) When you get them back in balance the weight and excess bodyfat comes off easily and naturally. Once there all you do is maintain it and eat as organic as possible and you will be at your ideal weight for the long-term.

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