Show more I've said it so many times that mosquitos can be used to 'vaccinate' a whole population, but some thought I was nuts... oh well, when you do your homework you realize that I was just showing others the truth and not a nut or conspiracy theorist which that term was created by the CIA when others before me began putting together through intense research the real truth exposing it all... next time, PLEASE, listen to us. Your liver is your body's master cleansing organ. When you have skin eruptions, your liver is overworked. Vaccines and pharmaceuticals are also damaging your liver cells and affecting your immune system. Don't allow it to damage your liver and DNA by keeping these toxins moving out of your body naturally. Protect and Cleanse Your Liver Naturally. Your Liver keeps you Living by removing the harmful things before it hits your blood stream and circulates to your heart, brain and cells. A clogged liver can cause jaundice, cirrhosis, cancer, hepatitis, fatty liver, liver disease and failing eyesight. You can prevent and reverse Liver Disease, Cirrhosis, Liver Cancer and Liver damage by using liver detox herbs and EDTA chelation therapy in your own home. Help your liver keep you looking and feeling healthy. How to Sleep Soundly and wake up refreshed. 90% of people are magnesium deficient (full spectrum magnesium, specifically) that leads to insomnia, restless leg syndrome, anxiety, overthinking, muscle cramps and overheating. If you toss and turn most nights with insomnia, have headaches, anxiety and overthinking, restless leg syndrome, brittle bones, poor circulation, brain fog and painful joints you are probably deficient in natural magnesium. Full spectrum magnesium works to correct the imbalance between calcium and magnesium in your brain and body. Most people have too much junk calcium that is causing these problems. Full spectrum magnesium will be greatly helpful! Fibromyalgia can steal your joy in life and cause brain fog, and even depression. Discover the causes, symptoms and Natural Treatment for Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. This Natural Holistic Treatment that works to reverse the cause of it for good so your symptoms go away permanently.

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