Show more How to Sleep Soundly (without leg and muscle cramps as well as restless leg syndrome and anxiety) and wake up refreshed (no grogginess either.) 90% of people are magnesium deficient (full spectrum magnesium, specifically) that leads to insomnia, anxiety, overthinking, body overheating. Full spectrum magnesium works to correct the imbalance between calcium and magnesium in your brain and body. Most people are highly out of balance with too much calcium (junk calcium too) that causes serious health problems like brittle bones, anxiety and heart palpitations. Full spectrum magnesium fixes it. Keeping your feet warm and comfortable is a great gift to yourself and loved ones. Genuine Native American Sheepskin Moccasins for women, men and children (some are earthing and grounded too) not only look good but protect your feet and keep you warm and comfortable for the holidays or throughout the year. Heavy metals are in all the foods you eat and in your drinking water supply. Your dental office and medical doctors use them as treatments. Buildup of toxic heavy metals like thimerosal, mercury, lead, graphene oxide, fluoride, chemtrails, vax ingredients, GMO ingredients can destroy your health and rob you of life. Get them out safely.

A fascinating phenomenon is occurring on social media.

Matthew Perry died suddenly (drowning, which has happened to many injected people due to heart failure while they swim) at age 54 this week. Naturally, some people pointed out that he was injected (according to him) and that this may be yet another tragic death on the long list of people dying suddenly which can be attributed to the injection.

Multiple conservative accounts asking the question as to whether this was jab related have being attacked by people who previously strongly opposed the COVID injections and agreed they were causing harm. Cell Phones are important for communication in our lives, especially now since they combine the powers of computers, music players, video streamers, text and phone communications. 5G EMF Radiation (electromagnetic frequency) is able to penetrate your body, brain, blood cells and immune cells. 5G and Coronavirus (covid-19) go hand in hand. It also affects your brainwaves and can cause severe mental anguish (migraine, voices in head aka mind control.) Tesla knew about the benefits and the dangers of EMF frequencies. It is powerful enough to change your DNA and compromise your immune system and make your body act as a Wi-Fi router! Do use protection so you can use it safely. Especially needed for children and seniors due to it's brain interference. -19 The natural anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-cancer, anti-parasitic remedy you can make at home for pennies! What is Colloidal Silver and why should You always have it handy. CS is a highly safe and effective natural antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal in your holistic first aid kit. It can keep you safe from whatever virus of the month (like Covid or the Flu) that is going around. You can disinfect wounds and clear up infections naturally. Make your own colloidal silver with a simple silver maker. -19 Nature’s Natural Antiviral, Cancer Relief and Antibiotic. Natural Zeolite-AV (Antiviral and Anti-Cancer) is a natural antiviral mineral that boost your immunity against virus infections like the flu (or covid-19 and variants with graphene oxide.) Zeolite AV is one of the few things that are true antidotes to the graphene oxide, spike proteins, heavy metals, toxins and microbials (viruses) that really works. It's proven in the PubMedgov site to do so. Masks don't help they actually keep toxins in your body and incubate them creating antibiotic resistant and antiviral resistant infections!

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