What do you want in a YA Mystery Suspense?
Here are some answers I got when I posed the question to avid readers in the genre:
>Teen main character who tries to balance her sleuthing for her missing friend with schoolwork and other activities. Not a ton of mystery/suspense in the YA genre. Would be nice to see some more.
>I want the MCs to interact with their families and authority figures. If they aren’t involved in the story (even negatively) I find it hard to believe.
>Less focus on romance!!
>Real risk to the characters. Also characters that have real flaws, since teens are still growing and making mistakes on the regular.
>An actually GRITTY novel. Teenhood isn't easy, even without the suspense aspect. I want teens that struggle, even if they make the right choices in the end. We face a lot of trash, too. Show teens facing chaos and still being better because of it. ♥
My Small Town Secrets series hits all the sweet spots these readers want too!