My heart is moved everytime I realize that I have His words on my table while others are begging for reading a sentence in peace.
God, let every word become flesh. And every conversation a true walk with You.

Every moment looks so different with this same Friend.

It doesn't matter how humbly you receive advice if with all your pride you will do your own will. Stay still and trust what He is saying ❤️

We see in part, just glimpses of the full picture. And it's ok. Peace doesn't come from knowing everything. Peace is comes with a person, and his name is Jesus.

His Spirit will light your understanding to remember what is true. He won't fail. He cannot deny himself.

The spaces between the leaves, is the tunnel where the sun brings warm to those who need it. Maybe there are some holes in your heart, but His light will shine through, and your heart will be whole again. And His light will shine to warm many heart with His love. Our weakness, the best stage for His power. Don't be afraid, He sees in what you are becoming.

A day in which you decide to spend time with Jesus, is a day well spent. To live a life well lived, you have to decide it every day.

There is enough grace for all the journey. God is not disappointed when sometimes you fail, because His expectations are not in your strength, but in His sacrifice. And Jesus is the perfect sacrifice.

Even if we are backwards the light, God will use reflects to let us know He is by our side.

There may be very hard things in you, but if you immerse them in the Presence of God the enough amount of time, they will soften.

A couple weeks more than a year I committed myself to not read another christian book until I finished the whole Bible for the first time (I really love reading christian books) I didn't knew how long would took me because not everyday I could read the same quantity of chapters. But four days ago, I finished! Obviously, let's start again 😊 ❤️
Never ever ever stop to read your Bible, it's life that brings to life every dead area of our lives 💃🏻

God is always in good mood.
Give God the right to direct your life, and as you trust him along the way, you’ll find he pulled it off perfectly!
Psalms 37:5 TPT

To hear God's voice you need an open Bible and an open heart.

Yesterday, in Argentina we said NO to abortion. Every life matters 💙

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