What is the meaning of 369?
There is a fascinating principle that lies within the elegant framework of the numbers 3, 6, and 9, as highlighted by Nikola Tesla when he wisely stated, "If you want to understand the Universe, think in terms of Energy (9), Frequency (6), and Vibration (3).”
To elaborate:
9 (9th Dimension) represents Energy, encompassing the notion of GOD or Source Energy, along with the Quantum Field of infinite possibilities. It also reflects the concept of the Eternal NOW.
6 (6th Dimension) denotes Frequency, which relates to the non-physical dimensions of our existence and includes the piece of our consciousness that is eternal. It is the piece of us that existed before we were born into our physical body and it continues to exist after our physical bodies die.
3 (3rd Dimension) symbolizes Vibration, encompassing the physical realm of our existence, or Space/Time, including our tangible universe, our physical bodies, and the non-physical essence of our physical