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Maui Fires links to the sold out America invasion. Remember the green lasers over Hawaii. This was to map the terrain. Seals are being primed around the world. VCAST. Great news, Bible is true.

Deep dive the WEF global citizen education system and the WEF recognizing researchers around the world that will enslave you. Must listen and share.

Percent of Gen Z that is LGBTQ. What is the satanic strategy. Why are so many Gay? Is there a lesson from history and the book Pink Swastika? Alarming information. Must Listen and share VCAST:

Percent of Gen Z that is LGBTQ. What is the satanic strategy. Why are so many Gay? Is there a lesson from history and the book Pink Swastika? Alarming information. Must Listen and share VCAST:

Bible Study Cover:
WW3 players that will fall = tied to the Deagle Genocide report
Book of Revelation – who is the whore / women
Which one is burned by the other and could this be the false prophet bringing fire from heaven
Unlock Anti Christ Scripture that I always found cryptic
More evidence the final beast system is transhumanism / AI based
This is a continuation of the Study we did about how to read the Book of Revelation where the seals, trumpets and vial are the same story, different perspective and different starting points but all end the same.

The Beast System digital enslavement is moving so fast. We fast track many of the Anti Christ Mark of the Beast infrastructure. Must listen.

Earth has tilted from extracting water. What? Where is the psyop? What is the agenda? Is this a cover for what the Bible says is coming on the earth. VCAST

The Beast System digital enslavement is moving so fast. We fast track many of the Anti Christ Mark of the Beast infrastructure. Must listen.

Earth has tilted from extracting water. What? Where is the psyop? What is the agenda? Is this a cover for what the Bible says is coming on the earth. VCAST

Las Vegas Aliens and Spiritual Warfare VCAST. Interesting new videos that show something. What do you need to know in these end of days. How does this fit the spinning death spiral seen after the devil juice. Are aliens in the Bible? VCAST:

Why Woke Companies don't care going broke. The deliberate takedown of the Dollar will result in pushing the CBDC with the ESG rules for Corp to follow. Get educated and don't comply. VCAST:

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