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The USA truly runs on diesel more than I ever imaged. God, Family, Diesel. The low supply is a USA takedown and a war on carbon dioxide that is the lifeblood. for plants to thrive.. Must listen

Why China Might Need War Fast
Why are rivers drying up. How does this fit the end of days? What is up with the caves in the Euphrates river? Is China desperate with their water supply? Could this be why they need war. How low is the Mississippi river? When do they predict the Euphrates river will disappear? Revisit dream of water disappearing in the river. Are we seeing chapter 9 of the Book of Revelation? Cover a dream about the rivers evaporating in the USA.

Why are truthers pushing AI financial enslavement systems that appear to offer zero cash alternatives. Beware of False light.

I was reading in Acts and it appears there was teleportation after the eunuch was baptized. Wild video below. You decide.

39 And when they were come up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip, that the eunuch saw him no more: and he went on his way rejoicing.

40 But Philip was found at Azotus: and passing through he preached in all the cities, till he came to Caesarea.

Latest podcast, don't want to eat bugs, synthetic meat, fish, milk, or humans (yes elite are pushing for cannibalism to fight hunger) than you can eat plastic. You can't make this up.

Wild podcast, they destroy your heart and next give medicine to cure your heart. Problem, reaction, solution. Good news, this bio weapon is in the Bible Revelation 18 for the world sorcery is really Pharmacia. We cover other psyops as well. Please share.

Latest podcast, Kissinger talks WW3 plus dream about staged China Troops in the USA. We need to pray against this plan.

Years ago (when Obama was in office) I had a dream the anti Christ was hit with a large object on his left shoulder and his head was placed on a super computer. Next he showed up as a hologram around the world (dream link This post is about Satan's Fake Trinity that is self evident when you hear how the elite will know your thoughts. It's a bit controversial but it makes sense with the desperation to poke you. It is the fourth beast system that Iron (graphene oxide) mixed in clay = you... Your the temple of God. Satan's Fake Trinity

I've had a theory the 10 Kingdoms of Revelation are somehow linked to Tech companies that will have one mind. It fits the transhumanism agenda that is Iron (graphene oxide mixed in clay - spoken of by Daniel. MSN is pushing for these Tech companies that hat Christ to join the UN. Wow. We cover some food research that is deemed healthy that is a war on beef. Also, we cover how Biden wants to blanket the Gulf with wind mills to power only 2% of the homes in the USA . Must listen.

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