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Slice and dice the deagel report genocide by multiple factors including NATO countries. Must watch

Is an ISIS like army (volunteers from open borders) being brain washed and trained to take down the USA? Must share and listen...

Wickedness in these days, FishCast plus a dream of the end of days revival all though very dark days

Personal Story of tragedy / sorrow / drama with some minor miracles. Plus much more end of days news. New Fish Cast...

Occult new years ceremony tells you the Last Beast Kingdom of AI spoken of by Daniel. Must watch and share. AI...

Occult new years ceremony tells you the Last Beast Kingdom of AI spoken of by Daniel. Must watch and share. AI...

The world wants to enslave you including limit your transportation.
We cover the electric car scam that really hurts the environment. Go deep into why the electric car scam.. A Vcast to wake up your global warming / climate change friends and family. Please share.

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