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Digital Zombie – Apple Vision Pro is Priming the AI Anti Christ System
Apple Vision Pro is part of a bigger playbook to link you into the hive mind. This vcast connects the dots and demonstrates the big picture of the beast system, iron mixed in clay or graphene mixed in you. The seeds of men will not cleave. Men will seek death and not find it. We are seeing digital zombie heads and will get more strange as we go along.

Ebola Vaccine Shedding - will it be used for Disease X and really about the nano tech in you from the poke? Must listen.. Final Days Report 314

12 reasons to keep or buy an old car. Reduce your enslavement. Remember, SMART anything including a car = your Enslavement. Final Days Report 313.

Evidence the topography of the uSA is being mapped just like what we saw in Maui before the odd fires. Primed before the invasion? Final Days Report 310

White hat psyop, MSN - Megan Kelly is hinting Epstein is alive. We think he is alive by why? What is the psyop? Final Days Report 308

don't be Satan's puppet. Bible Study with Pastor Larry Project, Neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence, Eugenics Institutes, NeuroAI, Brain-Computer Interface, Department of Energy, Human Energy Harvesting, Biological Systems, Radio Frequencies, Visible Light Communication (VLC), Graphene Technology, Internet of Bodies (IoB), WBAN (Wireless Body Area Network), Body Channel Communication (BCC), Human Augmentation

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