
“I press on, if so be that I may apprehend that for which also I was apprehended by Christ Jesus. Phi 3:12

No master has so many servants as our Master; and for each He has a suitable employment. Even the little maid was at hand to testify to Naaman in his need. Many of us murmur against the position God has given us. We want to do this, but God puts us into that. We have an ambition to serve Him here, but His plan for us lies elsewhere. When faced by such apparent reverses, it is well to remember that God’s purpose for us goes back before our conversion, for His foreknowledge has determined our circumstances even before we were born. God never does a thing suddenly; He has always prepared long, long before. So there is nothing to murmur about, nothing to be proud of, in the calling of God. There is also no one of whom to be jealous, for other people’s advantages have nothing to do with us. When we look back over life, we bow and acknowledge that all was prepared by God.”
Watchman Nee

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