I tried watching the Health & Freedom Conference in Tulsa, but streaming was horrible. Also, with all of the un-Biblical religious stupidity exhibited there, and the fact it was held at Rhema "Bible" College (hotbed of Ken Hagin's word of faith false teaching), I was ready to say, forget it! But thank God, FINALLY found some speakers that were actually sensible. The doctors, nurses, parents, Mike Flynn, Lin Wood, etc. were great. Just too bad how Satan had his charismaniac wackos there!


@TexasTruthTeller Yeah... the New Testament is full of them as well! Paul was thankful that the Corinthian Church (with all it's errancy) "had all the gifts". Not disagreeing that there is much that is "charismania" in the western Church, but the Western Ekklesia is often powerless compared to our underground, 3rd world, Brethren due to "having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof". Much of what Kenneth Hagin taught concerning faith was accurate, the great error was in creating an idol of "faith", and the obvious prosperity heresies. You never heard Hagin sware from the pulpit and yet there were multiple instances of profanity from speakers at the Health & Freedom Conference... I guess Satan had his conservative wackos there as well.

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