The Institute for Creation Research -
Evil Choices Produce Evil People
Bible has the Answers & is the Truth - the foundation is Genesis - 2921 UKMC pt 1
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"Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?"" John 11:25-26
The Blackness of Evil: MKUltra to the Covid Conspiracy - 😱 ... if u need more reasons to refuse to bow down (to the giant idol statue - cuz it is life n death in fiery furnace for refusal) - the evil that men do shoukd suffice ... 😱 -
Pastor Andy Woods gives some solid "Religious exemption" reasoning from THE BIBLE (imagine that) this week & legal reasoning (he was a lawyer before becoming a Bible college prof, then a pastor & a seminary dean) & he even refutes other pastors fake biblical arguments for christians taking "the jab" ....
MUST WATCH - DR. DAVID MARTIN - this vid link & it so crazy soundin i wouldn't share normally - it is interestin tho - idk 🤷🏻♂️ about all this stiff (but i'd say their or any constitution cons is a dangerously bad idea nowadays - cu z peeps dakine...
Episode 1,395 – The Transhumanist Revolution -pt. 2 -if u care(& if you dare)forewarned is forearmed they say, but i say 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 (they're not Biblical Christians (worse-rely on own twisted interpretations) but seem to think🤔(or pretend?)are or "spiritual"-even Bannon no believe the Bible(God's Word -but Catholics not allowed to) they are on Team Human tho' (& of whatever mr. potato head god tgey've constructed ;- ))) -
u gotta watch this speech - its only 2 minutes - from EU Parliament - 3 days ago
Canadian Pastor Art P. explains his charges & sentence:
Born again Bible believer(Young Earth Creation by Jesus/God in flesh,Lord,Savior, Righteousness)formerly accept idiotic atheistic,materialistic,evil evolution lie of evil enemy of our souls - Saved by the Truth & Grace of the one & only True & Living God, Creator of all!!!!! 16 GrandKids! & 6Kids!(Ps127:3-5;- )Jesus Lover cuz He saved a wretch like me at 33! yashuafreak @Gab,Gettr,Twitter, CloutHub,VK,Parler,MeWe,DingDash,etc. Doug Hughesoever on FB