A second update about my friend Mikael who is still in hospital. Unfortunately they won't let him go because his oxygen saturation is too low. They wanted to put him in IC on ventilator - exactly what's not a good solution (according to many). Both him and his wife have refused it, and it seems like the doctors have respected it if I understood it correctly (we discuss in a Telegram group). His CRP was 84 some hours ago. His wife wrote that they won't let her visit him. We wrote that she should demand that, because she is married to him, and has just recovered from C-19. There is so much strange things going on when it comes to C-19. Why put him on a ventilator when they just have started to give him antibiotics for his pneunomia? And then they report the news about how many unvaccinated they have in IC. Please, pray for a quick recovery and for protection from harmful interventions!
Born again Bible believer(Young Earth Creation by Jesus/God in flesh,Lord,Savior, Righteousness)formerly accept idiotic atheistic,materialistic,evil evolution lie of evil enemy of our souls - Saved by the Truth & Grace of the one & only True & Living God, Creator of all!!!!! 16 GrandKids! & 6Kids!(Ps127:3-5;- )Jesus Lover cuz He saved a wretch like me at 33! yashuafreak @Gab,Gettr,Twitter, CloutHub,VK,Parler,MeWe,DingDash,etc. Doug Hughesoever on FB https://www.youtube.com/yashuafreak