
Andy B 2 Minute Video, Fires, Vents and Fuel Season 4, Episode 37

Log Burners are great for romantic nights, or just to warm the room.

However, it isn’t always quite as simple as just throwing some wood inside and chucking in a match!

You’ve got make sure the wood is dry – in the UK it is really frowned upon to use wet wood in a fire in a home. You’ve also got to think about using any vents on the fireplace to help build the fire and supply it with enough air. It even matters how you first stack the initial wood – not enough kindling and you won’t be able to get the bigger logs to start burning.

It’s rightly said that using a log burner is more of an art than a science
And so it is with life – we can’t just run at life and hope for the best. We do need to think about all sorts of things, just like with a fireplace.

Just a thought…

For a full transcript, or to listen to the podcast visit our website –

Andy B

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