
Andy B 2 Minute Video, Keep Going, (There's a picture of first ever book in this video too 😎 )

There is so much in life that can drag us down and make us give up. But, there is much reason to keep going!

Andy B started a project in September 2021 – writing a book. This is a project a friend had asked him to undertake. And it’s quite a rapid turn around.

But there are so many things that Andy B never got to do.
We all have dreams, hopes and ambitions. And they all can be decimated, or perhaps just deflected.

But God has plans for us as His children. And those plans are to prosper us.

So, if you’ve been putting off something you know God has placed on your heart, and you have a hundred reasons why you couldn’t follow through, or perhaps just the one reason – pick up again and just Keep Going!

Just a thought…

For a full transcript, or to listen to the podcast visit our website –

Andy B

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