
Marriage Matters, It’s A Balancing Act, S01E011

In this week’s Marriage Matters, Andy B and Jo talk about the importance of honesty in marriage and being gentle. They speak candidly about how we can go from being supportive, kind and loving to our spouse to cruel and unkind and critical if we are not careful.

As always, Andy B steers the episode with scripture and explores the following:

Proverbs 27:5-6
Proverbs 27:17
Proverbs 5:3

Andy B and Jo make the point that there is a need to tell our spouse some difficult truths sometimes, whether it’s as simple as not liking what they wear or disliking their culinary delights or the need for our spouse to slow down, rest or stop working!

There is a balance to be had between being straight on the one hand but being gentle about it on the other.

Andy and Jo

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