
Marriage Matters Editor S1 E13

In this week’s Marriage Matters, Andy B and Jo talk about the wider family – Parents, Siblings, Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents and the in laws and how these family relationships can affect our marriages for good or bad. Jo opens by sharing some family matters found in the bible, the good, the bad and the ugly!

Like Marriage Matters, so does Family matter!

Tips and Resources
• Look out for, and watch, Skit Guys movie - Family Camp.
• Take some time, a year if you can, when you first get married to learn what God wants you to do to serve Him – together - now you’re a married couple.
• Pray – ask God about family relationships and how he wants you to handle them!

The Take Away
Andy notes how the bible tells us to do family very differently from how the world or even the church culture tells us.

Jo has noticed how important family is from Genesis to Revelation!

Andy and Jo

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