
S04E097, Kindness doesn’t need to be costly! Andy B 2 Minute Video

Kindness doesn’t have to be something we reserve for special occasions. It doesn’t have to cost us everything we have either, but it will always cost us something.

At the time of writing there’s proof of the need for kindness in our world as a former South African satanist - of many years - recently became a Christian. Why? Because of an unprompted act of kindness from someone he didn’t know, that led Him straight to the face of Jesus Christ, and His love.

Yesterday evening I was doing some shopping. In front of me was a lady who was about to pay for her shopping, but she couldn’t afford a pack of biscuits as well, so she had hand them back to the cashier. And, with her shopping bill now low enough, she paid and started to leave. [READ MORE]

Andy B

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