
When all other lights go out

Let’s face it, life can be difficult and can throw us some low ballers or a curveball – something unexpected or deceptive that confuses, thwarts, or outwits us. Like a curveball in baseball which is difficult to hit or a low ball in rounders which is against the rules if below the knee, situations come at us, sometimes ‘out of the blue’ and it’s hard and it hurts.

On a global scale we have faced and are still facing the effects of Covid, nations are dealing with war and famine, communities are confronted by anti-social behaviour, violence, and crime and in our own homes we may also have to live with hostility, pain, and heartache for all kinds of reasons.

In the UK, like many countries, we are currently dealing with increased fuel costs, making travel to work, among other things, more expensive. And [READ MORE]


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