
S05E003, Do Your Part! Andy B 2 Minute Video

During the Second World War there were posters with “Do Your Part” These were more commonly used by the US to seek to inspire American women to get involved in the war effort, from the Home Front – working in machine shops, factories, farms and wherever they were needed. They didn’t go to fight, but they did support those doing so.

During COVID we saw similar campaigns with slogans like Do Your Part, Stay Apart – designed to get us to keep a certain distance from each other.

In both situations the slogan was used to seek to inspire people into doing something about the situation they were surrounded by – on the Home Front.

With an 80% rise in gas and electric costs here in the UK, and much of Europe struggling with rising costs that people have no hope of ever meeting, we see terror and fear around us as people face a very dark and grim winter. [READ MORE]

Andy B

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