
I wonder if you catch yourself looking forwards, worrying about the future.

Well, this really speaks of why we should trust God with our future – because He cares for us, and every single detail of our lives!

Heating Help
In the Spring of 2022 the UK saw a dramatic, and quite scary rise in energy costs. There were warnings from many charities all about the risk to life – as people would have to choose between either heating or eating. It wasn’t long before this doubling of energy costs would happen again – from October 2022.

The British government would step in – at the very last minute – to help the most vulnerable, and offer some financial help, although it was really not enough with people also having to deal with rising fuel costs for cars and rising food costs also crippling the ability for many to buy food, heat their homes and get to work. [READ MORE]

Andy B

For the rest of this testimony -->

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