
S05E024, Push or Pull? Andy B 2 Minute Video

Every day we have to make decision whether to push ahead or pull back. It can be as simple as whether we rush into the car park for our daily work, or taking our time to letting someone take our place in the supermarket queue, or jumping in between two people who are arguing.

From the simple to the complex, we have to make these decisions.

Earlier, I went out for a cycle and got caught in the rain. I tried sheltering behind a tree as the rain was more horizontal than vertical. But, it didn’t offer me enough protection.

Eventually I made the decision just to push on ahead home which was just 5 minutes or so further along the road I was on.

In my case I made the right call – it rained for a good 60 minutes after I had arrived home. Much longer standing in the rain and I could have started to get cold. [READ MORE]

Andy B

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