
Legend has it that when Lam Drukpa Kunley, also known as The Divine Madman arrived in Bhutan from Tibet (in the 15th century), he delivered religious teachings to the local whereupon they requested him to conjure up a miracle. And, he concurred, on the condition that he would be fed lunch – a whole cow & a whole goat.

The Legend of Takin - National Animal in Bhutan - Copy

Following what he commanded, the local offered him a massive lunch. The saint from Tibet devoured the flesh of both animals & left out the bones. After that, Lam Drukpa Kunley fixed the head of the goat onto the body of the cow and then, with a snap of his fingers uttered a mantra. That animal instantly sprung to life & began grazing on the meadows. The animal then named as “Dong Gyem Tsey” – Takin.

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