
Praise Report! We enter His courts with praise on our lips and thanksgiving in our hearts. Thank you Lord and Jachin Charley Scott for your love poured out! Dear Brother Jorge Parrott,

Greetings to you in the most precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Brother with your Kind and Generous financial support we completed the Church construction work in Telada tribal village, Navsari district, Gujarat. All the Church members are giving their heart full thanks and expressing their gratitude to you and all CMM partners those who are Prayed for this need and extended their helping hand and gave their gracious financial support to complete this Church in Telada tribal village.
May God Richly Bless you with all His Exceeding and more Abundant Blessing and Strengthen you with His Mighty Strength and Protect you in His Hands and Prosper you with all His Wealth and Keep you and use you more and more Brother. Amen.

Pastor Jachin Charley Scott

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