Follow Idol Worshipers in India Hungry For The One True God-Hungry For Truth and Seeing Miraculous Testimonies Spreading As More Souls Come To Jesus! Long-term friend and CMM Ordained Minister Chris Chaney disciples many in a rural area of India. Chris teaches the Word with power by obeying Holy Spirit and many miracles follow preaching of the Word.

Hundreds have been saved, delivered, and healed in a short time. 35 former idol-worshiping priests and their wives gave their hearts to Jesus. One wife was brutally beaten by wives of non-saved priests and suffered a fractured skull and a ruptured eyeball. She almost died. Through much intercession, the Lord's mercy healed her miraculously, and news traveled fast and far.

More and more are coming to Jesus! Recently, 100 people walked 400 kilometers to find CMM Pastor Joy and encounter Jesus! Whole families prayed the sinners prayer and received Jesus as Lord and Savior. click to read more:

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