
4 Trafficked Girls in ICU -- Immediate Treatment Needed! India: Four of Joy's girls who were rescued from sex trafficking still require immediate treatment to drain their lungs from life threatening fluid buildup. Their lungs are 70% full of fluids and need to be drained immediately to save their lives. These girls are orphans and poorer than the poor and now Christians, the hospital where they are admitted refuses to administer any further procedures or medicines until the bills are prepaid. In effect, they are being held hostage until the hospital gets its money. Click here to help:
We need $3,000 to get them over this high hurdle and another $2,000 for their convalescence following. Two of the girls have already recovered enough to be released (there were 6 to begin with).
Please take the time today to prayerfully consider helping these dear precious girls who have suffered so much.

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