
We are moving into a place where the illusion that we were in control of our government has almost been fully shattered. Now the enemy knows that we are starting to see his handiwork. Now he begins to push to see what we will willingly allow.
Are you a slave to Sin? If you Sin, you are a slave to it. It rules over you. If you are doing it you are not Free.
Jesus can and He will Save you FROM your Sins if you truly are ready to be done with it. Repent (turn away from Sin) and Believe/Trust in Jesus to Save you from your Sins.
If you are here I assume that you believe in Jesus. Believe in Him to do in you what He came to do Mat 1:21.
Let the old man of Sin be crucified and buried by Jesus in Baptism (Rom 6:4-6) and He will give you a new heart and a new spirit and place His Holy Spirit in you and cause you to keep His commandments and judgements and do them. (Ezekiel 36:25-27) Amen
May you be blessed.

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