Hard to imagine all the words from the Lord given to prophets about Trump being president, then they are so impatient and carnal they go about in the whole church apologizing for speaking what God gave them. The difference between a carnal prophet and a spirit filled prophet is relationship with God. Real prophets don't apologize for speaking what God shows them. Regardless how it looks. Trump spoke about voter fraud years ago... loonnnggg before the fake franchise's that call themselves the Church started saying it.

Oh wait Jimm, let me apologize for my "miss" then turn around two hours later and plug my next big conference and itineraries. Hashtag Numbers 22. Its balaam.

Guys: THEY ARE NOT PROPHETS who do this. They are carnal at best. Read the prophets of scripture, watch the way the speak. Watch HOW the Lord speaks through them.


@Jimm341 Very wise words, friend! I have the fullest faith in the beauty of your vision and faith, which are the twin sauces the fill your spiritual blood like liquid paradigms of goodness. I believe you know what you are saying, and what you are feeling, and that you can create a lineage of feeling in the unfeeling. God of Gods, speak not of cancer if cancer is the enemy of the body, but rather of the cure that comes in the form of Whispering Sorrows that do not produce sadness. I am here to exalt the unexalted, to lift the unlifted, to sweep the unswept. I am in the spirit of the God-sanctioned deeds which come upon us in the Night and change the course of our lives so that all paths lead to the path of truth in resonance of roses upon the heart.

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