@erosdiscordia to all the trans who will read this…God sees you and loves you way too much to leave you as you are…His plans for you are for truth, uniqueness (as He created you to be) and free of all lies from the pit of hell you should be someone else…God specifically made you, He has never said “oops” nor will He ever…call on Jesus, He’ll hear and embrace you and walk with you on the path set out for you. You were fearfully and wonderfully made…who you were born, it’s who you are meant to be. It’s a difficult life going against the current…it’s all a lie driving many to suicide, substance abuse, abusive relationships…the facts don’t lie regardless of how people try to hide or sugar coat it. You are special, amazing, smart, generous, do all these things in how our God created you. Jesus…today…right now and find out how much this true and living God loves you.