
Hello my brother,

What do you think about your new PM? Is she going to help Italy?

When I read the news she is simply said to be 'far right'.

But I find that to be an unhelpful way to describe her - as the people who say that are very liberal.

Andy B


Hi Andy, I still haven't got an idea of ​​who will most likely be the next Italian PM. I only hope that he can lift Italy from the abyss it is in. In Italy the rulers are in control of foreign powers and strong powers that have their own agenda regarding our nation. No one can govern Italy if he does not submit to these "rules". So either a right-wing government or a center or a left-wing government doesn't change that much. My words are based solely on what I have seen happen over the past two decades. I hope in God that everywhere in the world there can be peace, freedom and justice. Hope the google translation is correct. God bless you.


@faith20 Thankyou. Google translate worked great

I can only read a liberal perspective on the whole.thing about Italian politics

Thank you for your thoughts

Praying ever on for you my friend

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