What will the Bride look like when she rises up?
Back in 2004 God gave me a vision of how HE feels about the American "Church" and it wrecked me forever. My sincere apologies to the Church in the East. This is the story about it.
Back in 2004, God WRECKED me with a vision of how messed up the Western "Church" is and how we're hurting people all over the world. My life changed from that instant. Here's the story of what happened. My apologies to everyone in the East. Sincerely.
Shalom brothers and sisters!
I'm not a fan of politics, but I'm quite able to discern right from wrong... and here in Italy, our Government (the only one we managed to vote for in the last 10 years...) just drop (don't know if it's the right word), and we are getting soon a new one entirely controlled by the Central Bank of Europe!
Plus, we are facing an unprecedented economical crisis! Many many people lost their jobs and there's much more unemployment coming...
Just pray for us please, that the Lord will send more workers in the field! There are not many true believers in this Country and in these moments and in the times ahead people will need the Real Love, the Real Truth, the Real Live which IS A REAL PERSON: JESUS, not a religion or a philosophy or a lifestyle!
Thank you so much for your prayers.
May the Lord bless you all
How to get your cup SO FULL of Jesus that nothing else can fit!
One of 1600+ videos on our YouTube channel at FOTM1. Visit our site FellowshipOfTheMartyrs.com for books, music and more.
This is a really powerful video about why you need to REJOICE through your suffering.
We have about 1600 more videos on our YouTube channel under user FOTM1. We hope it blesses you.
Doug met Jesus - IN PERSON.
Founder of Fellowship Of The Martyrs, Liberty Disaster Relief, The Liberty Farm and a pastor at The Church