Written this morning in the US:
We, those who actually have a moral compass have become targets to be silenced or eliminated. The ideas of freedom and justice are being redefined. The love of money has become a weapon, an invisible force moving the world into chaos. Selfishness is a virus that destroys words like equality, fairness, and ultimately peace. Truth is the enemy of those infected by the many mutations of the virus of selfishness. A symptom that is leading us into the abyss of chaos and destruction is HATE. Hate fuels chaos and is a manifestation of madness. Deceit, dishonesty, greed are all acceptable to Hate's power and the flow into chaos. This madness will spiral into death and destruction on a world wide scale; war between rulers embracing these many streams of evil producing the flood waters of chaos. Love is the one force that stands against this evil tide. The vaccine that prevents death, the Love of God, received only by receiving His son Jesus the Christ .
So, we must overcome this onslaught of evil as He has told us; by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony.