Now that we have a couple of thousand people on DingDash - I would LOVE to hear where you guys are from. Please write below what part of the world you are joining us from.

@josephewers That is the part of Oregon I love the most - the place where I am likely to see ranches with "Don't Tread on Me" flags proudly flying on their gates.

@sinbach its a wonderful place to call home. There are quite a lot of people here with the "dont tread on me" stickers and flags. I actually live in Redmond now which is just 15 minutes north of Bend. Love it here. A lot of small business are reopening to survive and I love how much the community here has stood behind those small business and are supporting them.

@josephewers love places like that. not everyone will agree of course, but for me it just seems sad when small rural communities with great family values or harmed and forcefully changed by the legislation coming out of the bigger cities.

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