Genesis 6.5-7: The LORD saw that the wickedness of human kind was great in the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of their hearts was only evil continually. And the LORD was sorry that He has made humankind on the earth, and it grieved HIM to His heart. So the LORD said, "........ for I am sorry that I have made them."
These are the last days we are living in, as in the days of Noah, people have turned away from God and the wickedness of humankind was great in the earth!!
How should we, His church live, while waiting for our Lord's return for His church?? Are we ready for His return, like some of the virgin??
Maranatha. Come, LORD JESUS!!
Titus 2.13,14

Yes, this is a sad world we are living in. In a similar manner, men will watch a rape happening and do NOTHING!! How sick is that?? Knowing what to do but not doing the right thing is SIN. How would they like this to happen to their daughter or granddaughter??
GOD said to Noah that He was sad that He made man because they had gone their own way and rejected our Creator. Do you blame Him?? When people do wicked things to fellow human beings like themselves!!

Amen. Thank you for your prayers Antonio. When we pray according to God's will, He will answer us. Hallelujah!!

Yes please Eugene!! Such a good idea, to use this to stop the prayer broadcast in Muslim countries!! πŸ‘πŸ˜‚ Like Malaysia?? They do this prayer through a loud speaker from the mosque at quite a high volume a few times every day!! And EVERYONE has to endure this, Muslim or otherwise!!!

Thank you Stephen, for the explanation. Yes I agree with you, prayer is a more efficient way to go. πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜€πŸ‘ I am only a novice in these matters. So much to learn πŸ˜‚πŸ™„!! Thank you for your insight to these things. I appreciate your helping me understand. God bless you.

Why is Apple joining China to ban Bible applications??
Well, I will definitely not buying anything from Apple!!!
Should we not boycott this company??

Thank you Britney for reminding us of God's Word!! Always a blessing to be reminded of life's manual. Truth to live by given to us by the Lord God Almighty!!

Yes, Spurgeon is definitely one of my favourite preacher. We thank the Lord for him, who still teaches us about our Master through his books which are many!! Praise the Lord. 1 Chronicles 16.11,12

lucylai boosted

You have your Bible in English today because - on this day, October 6, in 1536, William Tyndale was burned at the stake for disobeying the authorities.
It was deemed a danger to society for individuals to read the Bible themselves. If an individual wanted to learn more about the Bible, they needed to join a congregation, have it read to them by an ordained priest, and in the Latin language.
William Tyndale was considered selfish and dangerous for putting the individual over the group.

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