
Heavenly Father
Your people enjoy life in the land (Ps. 27:13). As Your Workmanship, we remember (Ps. 145:7), testify (Ps. 107:1), & fill the Earth with Your good works (Eph. 2:10).
Our hands are blessed to meet our needs & those of the vulnerable (Eph. 4:28). Your excellence is seen despite our challenges (2 Cor. 4:7-10). The work of Your hands -our good works- are enough to challenge all evil agendas.
Any rule, law or policy benefiting the few, while controlling & robbing the masses of the Earth’s resources, is destroyed in heaven and Earth.
Father raise up faithful & sensible stewards to watch over nations & Your house (Mt. 24:45). Lord raise up godly judges all along the food chain who impede the flow of evil. When they are in trouble may they experience the vastness of Your army (2 Kings 6:17).

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