Continue to receive from the Lord, all things that are profitable to your soul (1Cor.6:12). But, even though they may be permissible you must have discernment to know they are not profitable.
As for me and my family, my prayer will always be for the Lord to expose any fear in me (Eph.5:11) and to give me the discernment of spirits (1Cor.12:10) to know all affects of any evil that would or could manipulate my mind, will, or emotions (2Cor.4:4). I must continue to be on the look out against the devil who roams like a lion seeking to devour me (1Pet.5:8). At the same time, I must acknowledge Christ who is the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last (Rev. 21:6; 22:3), of whom without I would have no life to live nor air to breathe (Acts 17:28).
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