"Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God." (Mat. 22:29).
Here Jesus was correcting the sadukees who didn't believe in resurrection from the death.
I'm thinking, how much have we as church gone wrong in a similar way today? Do we have faith in the real Jesus (who is Son of God, yet a man) and who is powerful in everything concerning our lives? Do we understand (and truly believe/act on it!) that the same power that raised up Jesus from the grave, now dwells in us? Are these signs following us (Mark.16:17-18)?
Do we know what the Bible says and read it by ourselves? Or do we trust that our pastor knows the best so that we don't need to read or understand it ourselves? Do we lean on tradition more than on God's word?
We need them both: the Power (Gods Holy Spirit) and the scripture (the Bible), so that we won't go astray.
God help us! 🙏