
I shared a few lines from the book The Insurgence – Reclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom, by Frank Viola, a couple of days ago. Here is an interview with Frank on the book. They are talking about that many believers confuse the Kingdom with politics (but it’s neither left nor right). Jesus came with a new political system, a new civilization. The only “gospels” many have heard have been the gospel of libertinism or the gospel of legalism. The gospel of the Kingdom is freedom from the bondage of the flesh and the work of the flesh, and it is also freedom from religiosity and legalism - freedom in the Spirit. We should live by the indwelling life of Jesus Christ (Rom 8). The great mystery of God is Christ in you, the hope of glory. “Those who have embraced the gospel of the Kingdom and are a part of the insurgence, recognize that their citizenship is in the Kingdom of God. Their allegiance, loyalty and love lies in this alternative civilization.”

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