With new restrictions marching back in some places, political tensions high (at least in the US) and an uncertain future in front of us, what do we do? Worship! Read my latest post to be encouraged by a word I received from God. May you find the lifeline you need to carry you through the chaos with peace and joy. β€οΈπŸ™Œ theovercomers.blog/2021/08/20/


@Overcomer thanks for those encouraging words! πŸ™ I know I need to implement those principles more in my own life. I've felt very stressed out, frustrated and discouraged the last two weeks, since Finland is planning covid passports, and they are already giving vaccines to 12-year-old children. Feels like living in a surrealistic movie. At the same time I read research that say that mass vaccination during a pandemic is contraproductive. Look at Israel and the Seychelles- the numbers of sick have skyrocketed. It has to do with an immunity reaction, among the vaccinated.

@tanjaostman Thank you for taking the time to read and share your concerns! I am struggling in very similar ways to you. I have also been stressed about the vaccines as I live on the West Coast of the US where the truth is being heavily censored. I have researched as well, and I'm grieved by all that's happening. I remind myself daily to focus on Jesus and look to his promises and what he says is true. I know how dire the situation is, but God is somehow working to turn this in our favor. I believe this agenda will fail and the Lord will save us from global tyranny. There is hope! ❀

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