I was privileged on a few occasions to meet Loren Cunningham (Youth With A Mission founder) in person and sit under his teaching.

On one such occasion, speaking on life in ministry, he spoke something quite profound which has really stuck with me.

It is common to hear “the priorities list” like this: “God first, then your family, then your ministry, then everything else…”. Loren shared a rather profound correction to this: “God first in all things and trust Him to take care of all of the rest.”

There are sometimes great sacrifices that go along with full time ministry, but if you place all in God’s hands, He honors and more than makes up for every sacrifice. You cannot out-give God.

Here’s a few entries from my second published book, Modern Musings, way back in 2003. A few of these titles were actually licensed for two years by the James Lawrence Company for the production of high end wall art.

20 titles across numerous genres and topics, 100% of proceeds to charity! Here are a few poetry samples from Modern Musings, one of my earliest publications. Amazon.com/author/mmm

My 21st published title available now! 100% of proceeds benefit charity. “Get a good read and do a good deed!”


If you are going through a season of loss…grief…heartbreak, NEVER run from God or seek vainly for relief from somewhere else. Dive deeper into His presence than ever before. God is far more familiar with the landscapes of grief and loss than any man shall ever be, and He cares far greater than you can imagine, and will carry you safely through.

SECRETS: In a time after time’s end, He ascends above all things to that place where He, alone, dwells. He bears a lonely sorrow, shielded from all other hearts; a gnawing grief of shattered hopes held for those who would not be reached. The fullness of all glory…secretly weeps.

As bad as this life can sometimes seem, it is only the middle-ground between two very different destinations. When this life ends and your eyes are opened to what lies beyond your current perception, your new and eternal reality will be either ALL good or ALL bad…with the total absence of every blessing of God you now take for granted.

We have ALL contributed to the “bad” in this world and the “bad” is our selected destination for eternity, unless you decide to change course.

The price has already been paid by the one who is the very source of everything good. You can, indeed, change your eternal destiny - your eternal destination - but you have to choose to freely receive what is freely offered.

Being “saved” simply means coming back into relationship with the living God who IS the creator, sustainer, and very source of EVERY good thing, now and in the endless ages to come.

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